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Sept. 24, 2019

Sorry, Not Sorry: Apologizing in the Age of Digital

Sorry, Not Sorry: Apologizing in the Age of Digital

Sorry, but here we go again. 

Poor judgment turns up online, and someone now needs to apologize. 

School photos of a high-profile politician wearing blackface surface online before an election and the masses call for a resignation.  

A cast member on a popular television program is hired, then quickly fired for comments made on a podcast.

Why do some people survive the PR crisis while others perish? The answer is in the apology. 

Today on the Confident Communications Podcast, we’re going to look at the art of saying “I’m sorry” in the digital age, and what timing and framing have as much to do with the apology as the words themselves. Social media has changed everything, and the public apology is no exception.

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About Molly

Molly McPherson, M.S., APR, combines her knowledge of current communication

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