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May 21, 2019

How to Speak to Waitstaff

How to Speak to Waitstaff

How do you ask for your check at a restaurant? Are you a “Check, please!” person or someone who waits to make eye contact with their server then air-signs to let the server know what you want? Do you know which is the more appropriate thing to do?

In honor of National Waitstaff Day, this week’s episode of Confident Communications focuses on all the things your waitstaff wants you to know about dining in a restaurant--but can’t actually tell you.

Waitstaff are key personnel in my business because I travel so much. I rely on restaurant staff to feed me and to make sure I have my receipts for tax purposes. And even though I spend a lot of time in restaurants and bars for work, even I learned some things in my research for this episode.

We all want a good experience when dining out, and your waitstaff would like to have a great day at work. Be sure to listen in so you can hear some of the most annoying things restaurant patrons do and say--and what to do or say instead.

Developing skills to become an effective communicator is key no matter what stage you’re at in business. To learn more tips on how to communicate more effectively, from the comfort of your own home, you’re going to want to check out The Confident Leader Network. Launching soon, The Network includes monthly trainings about relevant social media platforms and information you need to know to become an effective communicator in the 21st century. Click here to be first to know when the program goes live so you can be heard, stay seen and maintain your relevancy.



About Molly

Molly McPherson, M.S., APR, combines her knowledge of current communication practices with years of news and PR experience to help people become modern-age communicators in their industry and help to build crisis-proof businesses. From her work in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the cruise line industry in Washington, D.C., Molly develops the right plans and messaging for clients to protect and build their reputations. Molly founded Confident Communications executive learning program and frequently speaks on crisis communications, public relations and social media.

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© Molly McPherson 2019

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