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July 2, 2019

35: How to Feel Like a Natural In Front of the Camera

35: How to Feel Like a Natural In Front of the Camera

No matter your profession, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to be on camera (whether you welcome the idea or not). But like speaking in front of a crowd, not everyone is a natural at it. 

You worry about looking frumpy, saying the wrong thing, sweating through your suit jacket or stuttering through your remarks. These are all common concerns, but with some practice and the tips on this episode of the Confident Communications Podcast, you’ll be a natural.

I’m sharing how to deal with on-camera distractions, feeling more comfortable, being yourself, preparedness (and the risks of being over-prepared), body language and even how to stand properly. By the end, you’ll have all the information you need to put into practice when you do find yourself on camera. Because let’s face it, you know you will!


Mentioned in This Episode:




About Molly

Molly McPherson, M.S., APR, combines her knowledge of current communication practices with years of news and PR experience to help people become modern-age communicators in their industry and help to build crisis-proof businesses. From her work in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the cruise line industry in Washington, D.C., Molly develops the right plans and messaging for clients to protect and build their reputations. Molly founded Confident Communications executive learning program and frequently speaks on crisis communications, public relations and social media.


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© Molly McPherson 2019

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