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March 12, 2019

19: 10 Hacks That Take the Suck Out of Writing

19: 10 Hacks That Take the Suck Out of Writing

Too many people get stressed out when it comes to writing, and it’s usually because they’ve told themselves that they’re a bad writer. But that’s not actually true. Most people know how to write. What you need to figure out is how to make writing a little less something you dread.

When I was a kid, I loved writing-- as most kids do. But it was when my paycheck started depending on my writing ability, that writing became something I dreaded. I’ve noticed that this is usually when most adults start hating writing. I think it’s because we feel our work is under a much larger microscope and that the stakes are higher.

But writing is such an important part of business, from emails to social media to proposals and reports, that it’s important to actually like it. Everyone should work to build their authority with all the written-word opportunities you have.

That’s why today’s episode is so important. Listen in to learn some hacks to make writing a little less sucky for you.

Mentioned in This Episode


About Molly

Molly McPherson, M.S., APR, combines her knowledge of current communication practices with years of news and PR experience to help people become modern-age communicators in their industry and help build crisis-proof businesses. From her work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the cruise line industry in Washington, D.C, Molly develops the right plans and messaging for clients to protect and build their reputations. Molly founded Confident Communications executive learning program and frequently speaks on crisis communications, public relations and social media.

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© Molly McPherson 2019

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