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May 24, 2022

188: How to Write an Opinion Piece for a Newspaper

188: How to Write an Opinion Piece for a Newspaper

Have you noticed the benefits of writing an opinion piece for expressing yourself? Do you want to start writing an opinion piece but don’t know where to start? Then today’s episode of Indestructible is for you! The power of opinion pieces has grown rapidly in recent years, becoming a popular form of communication and expression. 

In today’s show, we interview an expert on writing opinion pieces, Chad McLeod. Chad is the CEO of McLeod Communications, providing unmatched communications counsel and public relations strategies. Chad is also a seasoned veteran within the communications  industry, with over 15 years of experience in public relations.  Tune in to hear how you can start writing your first opinion piece with expert Chad McLeod.


Key Points From This Episode: 


•    Brief background about Chad’s professional background and his communications firm. 

•    The moment that Chad realized the power of opinion pieces. 

•    Chad explains what an opinion piece actually is and the standard length. 

•    The power and benefits of using an opinion piece to offer perspective. 

•    What the modern perspective is on opinion pieces and using it unique for Public Relations. 

•    Chad explains some of the basics of using opinion pieces for public relations. 

•    How Chad decides on a topic about an opinion piece for clients. 

•    When Chad has had to decide against using an opinion piece after it has been written. 

•    Advice that Chad has for people who want to write an opinion piece for the first time. 

•    The optimum length of an opinion piece to ensure you get published. 

•    Examples of alternative platforms to publish opinion pieces. 

•    The difference between an opinion piece and a letter to the editor. 

•    Outline of the basic steps to start writing an opinion piece. 

•    What is the suitable place for publishing an opinion piece, according to Chad. 

•    Ways in which an opinion piece differs from other publications. 

•    An insider tip to increase the chance of publishing an opinion piece. 

•    A takeaway message that Chad has for listeners regarding the reputation of your organization. 


“Begin with the end in mind. What is it that when you have written your piece you want readers to understand, know, and walk away with.” — @chadmcleod [0:15:51] 


“It always helps if it is a current topic that people in your community, your media market, state, and nation are talking about.” — @chadmcleod [0:18:27] 

“Oftentimes there is another side, there is another perspective or issue. Do your best to address some of the criticisms as objectively as you can.” — @chadmcleod [0:20:58] 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: 

Chad McLeod on Twitter 

McLeod Communications

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